Awards and Recognition

Singapore Busines Review National Business Awards 2020 – Logistics (YSG)

Singapore Business Review Technology Excellence Awards for Robotics 2020 – Logistics (FUSIONARIS)

Supply Chain Asia 2018 Supply Chain Transformation of the Year

ASEAN Business Awards 2010 – Most Admired Large Enterprise (Innovation)

IDC Enterprise Innovation Awards 2010 – Top Winner

CIO 100 Awards 2010 – Initiative SCM II: Project Cloud Hub

National Infocomm Awards 2008 – RFID/SCM Nerve Centre

ZDNet Smart50 Awards 2006

Singapore Innovation Class 2006

eSCM Award 2003

Intelligent 20 Award 2001

EDB Business Headquarters Award 2001

IDA Awards 1992 – National IT Award

Enterprise Awards

At the heart of every organisation is its people, who continuously propel the company to greater heights.

bizSAFE Partner

Supply Chain Asia - Overall Supply Partner of the Year 2019

Frost & Sullivan Logistics Service Provider of the Year 2019

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award 2018 - Logistics Service Provider of the Year

Supply Chain Asia 'Overall Partner of the Year' 2016, 2014

Supply Chain Asia Awards – Asian 3PL of the Year 2015, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007

May Day Model Partnership Awards 2014

Singapore Business Awards 2011 – Enterprise of the Year

Frost & Sullivan ASEAN 4 Logistics Awards – Best Domestic LSP & Best IT/Electronics

Operation Excellence Awards

World-class solutions must go hand-in-hand with quality execution; which is why we constantly strive to improve our operations to better serve our valued customers.

Dell Technologies – Best Partner in Crisis 2019

Dell Partner of the Year 2015

WWT Excellent Partner Award 2015

SAC Occupational Safety and Health Management System ISO 45001

UKAS Environmental Management System 14001


Supply Chain Asia Security Excellence Award 2014

Halal Certification (MUIS) 2014

DuPont Responsible Shipper Award 2012

ExxonMobil Operational Excellence Award 2012

Molex’s Contract Logistics Supplier of the Year 2011

Samsung’s Great Effort Award 2011 (Malaysia)

SCIC Responsible Care Awards 2010

ISO 28000:2007 – Excellent Security Management 2008